In 2017, HMRC focused their volunteering on the digital agenda as part of their organisation-wide commitment.
HMRC has been setting high standards in the public sector for their commitment to volunteering.
This is as a direct link to the HMRC service provision to the public going increasingly online.This strategic focus obviously struck a chord with employees with record numbers of volunteers offering their time to decrease the digital divide in Northern Ireland, with an impressive 27% increase in volunteers supporting Business in the Community’s Digital Assist programme. HMRC also supplied 20% of the volunteers needed to run the Time to Code pilot programme.
In line with their commitment to focus on their digital reach and education, HMRC has produced Tax Facts – an online free resource suitable for Key Stage 4 and post-16 age groups. HMRC has designed Tax Facts to simplify the teaching of how public money is raised and spent. The resource supports different subjects in the curriculum, including Citizenship, PSHE, Business Studies and Mathematics.
The ‘Tax Facts’ resource comprises of four short animations and a supporting teachers’ pack, which includes detailed lesson plans, group activities, suggestions for discussion, numeracy extension activities, a quiz and a glossary of tax terms.
Business in the Community has been out in schools to see the delivery of these initiatives where they have been received as fun, informative and practical to the age group in the audience. The animations can be viewed on YouTube . The teachers’ pack can be downloaded free of charge from the Times Educational Supplement (TES) website.