NI Assembly - Business In The Community

NI Assembly

Parliament Buildings is the residence of the Legislative Assembly of Northern Ireland. The surrounding estate is home to various government departments, including the Department of Finance’s Estate Management Unit (EMU), who maintain the estate.

The estate is 407 acres in total and open to the public all year round. Due to the careful management of the grounds it is both a heritage and educational site, with some of the forestry areas dating back to 1830. One of the most important aspects of the grounds is its contribution to the conversation of local wildlife. To this end, the ecological status of the estate has been monitored over the years further highlighting the significance which we place on our environmental obligations.

What NI Assembly did
There have been several significant developments within Parliament Buildings including the major roof refurbishment project and the rationalisation of mechanical plant systems serving the building, helping to promote operational efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. The project also incorporated a range of tailored sustainable design initiatives.

Lowering energy consumption was at the heart of earlier interventions and it has made further savings by reducing the amount of gas and electricity used in Parliament Buildings by installing low-energy lighting and through better temperature control management.

Many offices have embraced our waste reduction initiatives – with the majority of desk-side bins being removed from offices and additional communal recycling facilities installed in the corridors.

The Education Service adopted the ‘Zero Waste Challenge’ for schools, asking all school groups to bring lunches that produce no waste to landfill; an initiative most schools have been eager to accept.

Impacts and Outcomes

  • Total carbon emissions cut by 14%
  • Electricity use is down by more than 13% since 2008
  • Gas usage decreased by more than 38% since 2008
  • External printing reduced by approx. £840,000 in five years
  • For more information, email