Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey Resources

The Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey assesses the extent to which environmental business practices have been embedded within the corporate strategies and operations of local organisations.

NI Environmental Benchmarking Survey Resources

To accommodate accessibility only, this survey can be accessed on word document upon request.

Small Business Survey Resources

Scoring information

Organisations taking part are awarded Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze or Green. The higher the overall score, the higher the organisation will rank. There is no limit on the number of organisations that can fall into any one ‘band’. All participants receive a certificate and can use Survey branding on their company’s materials. Participants completing the Small Business Survey can achieve a top level of Bronze and there will be a new award for the top performing Small Business.


  • Platinum (>90%)
  • Gold (80-89%)
  • Silver (60-79%)
  • Bronze (40-59%)
  • Green (<40%)

Bring a Business – Bonus marks

The Bring a Business initiative asks Survey participants to encourage one of their key suppliers or contractors to take part in the NI Environmental Benchmarking Survey, in an effort to challenge participants to work with their supply chains to improve their environmental impacts.

Organisations that involve a new business in the Survey or Small Business Survey will gain extra marks in their own submission. Extra marks are also available for those organisations that help and mentor the new business to complete the Survey .

  • 1 bonus mark – Introducing another business to the Survey
  • 1 bonus marks – For helping the business to complete the Survey
  • 1 bonus marks – For having an ongoing mentoring relationship with the business (or a previous bring a business nominee) to help them to improve their environmental management and performance

If you have any queries regarding the NI Environmental Benchmarking Survey please email

Click here to return to the main Survey webpage.